Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Characters

Rugrats was an amazing show that brought peoples spirits up and helped people to learn how to cope with bullies like Angelica! This show includes being a good person and having fun. It lets kids know that they shouldn't loose their imagination. Rugrats is a show that must come back to daytime television because it is an exciting lovable show with memorable characters.
The main rugrat was Tommy Pickles. He was 1 year old and was the bravest roughest toughest baby there was on this show. He loves to stick up for his friends against bullies such as his cousin Angelica and other babies around the block. When he wants things he gets them from his inventive father Stu Pickles and his worrisome mother Didi Pickles. He is the leader of the group and always keeps everything in his diaper.
Dill Pickles is the baby of the group, he is Tommy's baby brother. He is a cute, bubbly baby that is always trying to walk with his big brother and friends. Dil can't talk and he is about 3 months old in the TV series. In The Rugrats Movie he and his big brother become lost in the woods without any other baby. Circus monkeys try to steal Dil away but his big brother Tommy was their to save him. They don't get along at first; right after Dil was born the two got in a fight. Yet they find their brotherly love eventually and Dil is seen in the series until the end.
Chuckie Finster has the emotional features of the Cowardly Lion! He is Tommy's 2 year old best friend but he is always willing to go on the next adventure with the gang. He is a nerdy, helpless toddler who is learning how to talk adult talk. The first word he learned was... NO! I guess that's because he never wants to do anything such as using the toilet and going down the stairs. His parents are Charles Norbert "Chazz" Finster, Sr. and his deceased mother Melinda Finster. After many years and a movie or two, Chazz finally finds love in Paris and gives Chuckie a new mommy ,Kira Watanabe-Finster, and sister ,Kimi Watanabe-Finster.

Kimi Watanabe-Finster is Chuckie's younger sister from France who is about 1 1/2 years old. She is one of the bravest babies along with Tommy, yet unlike Tommy she acts first and asks questions later which can get her into sticky situations. She is a baby different from any other baby that was brought onto the show. While she is from France she is Asian, one of the few minorities that is in the show. She was a great addition to the Rugrats and brought a new spark of life to the show.
Philip "Phil"and Lillian Marie Jill "Lil" DeVille are twins obviously from their names. They have two parents whose names are Betty and Howard DeVille. They are 1 1/2 years old and look almost alike except for the fact that Phil is a boy and he wears a blueish shirt, a pink undershirt, blue pants and shoes. Another factor that I didn't notice until research was that Phil doesn't have earlobes! Lil is the girl of the two and she is wearing a dress with her diaper always showing! She sports a pink bow that matches her fluffed up pink undershirt and shoes. The only similarity of the two would be the duck and hanker chief on each of their clothes. The also share a similar interest in bugs, mainly eating them when given the chance. They get into arguments over many dumb things and another thing is that neither are potty trained to keep the illusion that they are similar. These babies are rough and tough and are usually seen in the background.

Susie Carmichael is one of the only African American people on the show. She is a strong- willed preschooler who is about 3 years old. She is one of Angelica's biggest rivals and can't stand to be mean. She makes sure that she is nicer than Angelica and this makes Angelica even more upset when Susie is around. Susie unlike Angelica doesn't really have to work that hard to get her parents attention. Susie has a strict home with her mother Randy and Dr. Lucy Carmichael. She is seen wearing a yellow dress with purple polka-dots and she had three braids sprouting from the top of her head.

Angelica Pickles is like a spawn of Satan! She doesn't like to share, she is mean to the babies, and vain, conceited, bossy, selfish, self-righteous, arrogant, and obnoxious. Her nickname from Dil is "Yucky and many others especially adults call her names behind her back. She is all of this and more because her mother and father, Charlotte and Drew Pickles spoil the crap out of her. Her best friend is Cynthia and she has every dollhouse, car, and anything Cynthia for this doll. She is an untalented little bully who doesn't know the first thing about manners. Yet she is seen in good light when she and her arch nemesis work together.

So if you're ever bored go ahead and look this great show up and get in a few laugh! This show is great and just so you can see how influential this show is, Mya Ft. Blackstreet, Mase, & Blinky Blink singing "Take Me There "with Rugrats going on behind them. This was actually the song that ended the Rugrats movie. Rugrats was a show that could make you laugh and cry but if you you don't know what it is you'll never be able to enjoy the greatness of RUGRATS!!!!

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